about extreme sports

Hey ppl! what can i say about extreme sport, is that they really impress me,.. and you know what impresses me even more: “extreme freestyle individuals”, u know what I mean? Oh.. People who are making their xtreme sports in their own “very unique style”.. for example skateboarding : A lot of great riders, lot of great flatlanders, lot of great air guys, but only riders like Rodney Mullen and Bob Burnquist impress me for sure. and for example rock climbing: here no comments at all just take a short glance at Dan Osman and u are shocked!

Ok u can watch through the list of extreme sports , or just pick up the categories u like!


surfing 50 ft wave
surfing 50 ft wave

snowboarding pictures
Snowboard tricks

17 Replies to “about extreme sports”

  1. I really like some of you pplz cuz your hot but not all of them. so do not get all excited and i really like extreme sports.!!!!!!
    So one day call me to 864-386-1838


  2. Hey i really like extreme sports and i would like for yall to call me to have some real extreme sporting you will really like it my phone number is 864-220-0315 call me ok I really want to have some extreme sports with your ****.


  3. Hey,
    I lovebiking but Iprefer BMxing the most .
    LOL .
    Its so funn if you wantmy face book
    victoria yellowpirategorillaninja speer


  4. Hey there,
    I’m representing Nuclear Cowboyz featuring a ton of the best freestyle motocross riders in the world. It’s going to be at IZOD Center Feb 26/27. Are you in NJ? Interested in working together to let your readers know about the show and maybe even offering them a discount to see it? Let me know. thanks!



  5. Yeah! These are the kind of sports I love. Electrifying sports that will keep me up for days. I love to ride waves and go downhill on snow. Of course, as a girl, I also love the clothing I wear to these kind of events and the guys too lol.


  6. Hi Extreme Sports! I am with Regan Communications Group of Boston and we are putting together a media list of extreme sports bloggers. If you would be willing to provide us with a contact e-mail address, we would like to include your blog in our contact list and may have some prevalent materials for you regarding a summer event of ours. Please get back to me via e-mail with a contact address if this is something that you would be interested in. Thank you very much!
    Regan Communications Group


  7. Hey guys,

    We are putting an insane wingsuit video up in the next couple days that you will definitely want to check out. I’ll send you a link right when it’s posted if you can shoot me a personal email address.



  8. Hi

    I’m really interested in submitting a guest blog post to your site. Where is the best place to send it?

    I look forward to speaking to you.

    Kind regards,

    Amanda Walters


  9. is rockclimbig skydiving and scuba a category or an example of a extreme sport or a category I say there a category I am having a debate with my professor in writing class about it any info would help


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